Monday, February 14, 2005


Black Monday Update:

Karen has presented me with a beautiful white rose. She also gave one to Kristen, thus leading me to believe it's a pity for the single girls rose. But it's great and I accepted it with a tear in my eye. Mainly because a wave of self-doubt has wiped me off the boogie board of the self-help affirmations I've learned from Oprah and Bridget Jones and I am treading water. "I am crazy. Boys can smell crazy like they can smell hoebag and cookies. I am dying alone. With baubles and beer, but alone." Emailed Sharon, feeling better.
Then Sinead O'Connor came on my iPod, and she can commiserate, because it's all their fault. I'm going to put my white rose (purity?) in some water. I sure hope work picks up soon...

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