Monday, November 21, 2005

Buy You a New Life, Yes I Will

Okay, so, things suck. Today I am sitting in front of my computer at work, occasionally bursting into silent tears and hoping no one comes up behind me while my eyes are wet and puffy. Maybe it's time for a new job.
As Alicia was leafing through the Globe yesterday, she came across this article. Maybe I should leave this publishing world for my true passion-- meterology. I mean, my family's all into it. I had a weather observation kit when I was a kid, with a rain gauge and anemometer and all that. My grandfather listens to his weather radio all day, the comforting drone of the computerized voice audible even outside his apartment. And, of course, maybe I could do a weather internship with Pete Bouchard. That would be pretty awesome. We could listen to Police CDs while we pored over weather charts.
Too bad I hate math.
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