Thursday, December 15, 2005


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Don't be so fucking smug, George. You didn't do anything that special. You agreed to not torture prisoners under the United States' watch. Good job. You know, the Geneva Conventions said we shouldn't do that in 1929, asshole. Way to keep up with this rapidly changing world. And the fact it took you this long to listen to John McCain, a member of your own party who ACTUALLY SERVED in Vietnam and WAS TORTURED FOR SIX DAMN YEARS and has actually BEEN THROUGH THE SHIT is shameful. You may want to listen to his ideas about how badly torture sucks and to maaaaybe dial the whole cruel and inhuman thing down a few notches.
And be nice to John McCain. Because he is what the Republican party should be, George. You are some horrible, horrible pawn in the devil's game.

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