Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fact Check

Wow. Can you imagine? Your loved ones are stuck hundreds of feet beneath the Earth in a mine with horrible air quality. Things look dismal for your husband/brother/son, and you're kind of hoping against hope while simultaneously preparing to grieve.
Then you're told that he's okay, and for three hours your life continues as normal. You imagine hugging them, you're grateful for the opportunity to appreciate this person more, to ignore the trivial issues that you had, happy for a second chance.
Then you're told that someone made an error, and you heard the wrong news. That your loved one died in that mine. You spent three hours rejoicing when you should have been grieving.
That's horrible. The fact that such a huge error was made in such a sad situation is inexcusable. Before you start dialing your phone to report news, make sure your news is accurate, especially in a situation where time was so important. It was sad to hear the news on NPR this morning of what really happened, then see someone reading the Herald this morning with the joyful news on the cover.

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