Friday, January 27, 2006

I Bet He's Really Regretting that Title Now

Oprah gets her shitkickers on, and kicks James Frey into a Million Little Pieces. Ha ha. See what I did there?

I still stand by my assertion that memoir doesn't have to be 100% accurate to affect people. I think that you should come clean as soon as the facts are questioned, though, and James Frey didn't. He threatened to sue, he called the Smoking Gun "bullshit," and, the worst sin of all, he made Oprah look like an idiot. And Oprah isn't going to stand for that nonsense.

Whatever. He's happy, because everyone talking about his book is just going to make even more people want to read it than when Oprah just put her stamp on it. Oprah's happy because people are talking about her, and she got to drag Frey through the mud on national television. I'm happy, because dreamy Heath Ledger is on her show today talking about Brokeback Mountain and his cute baby and how much he loves Michelle Williams, which is fine with me, surprisingly, because I'd totally do Heath Ledger, but I also really like Michelle Williams.

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