Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday Fun

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You honestly didn't think you'd get away without a Pete post, did you?

I'll be the first to admit that I've been none to pleased with the weather lately. I thought about it today as I stood outside waiting for the T in a patch of strong sunlight that did nothing to warm me. It's mid-May? Where the hell is flip-flop weather, Pete?
Then I got to thinking. Why do we blame the meterologists? They just predict what the weather will be, sometimes with a degree of accuracy. It's killing the messenger. Except replace "killing" with "hate emailing" and you'll be in the right spot.
Per Pete's writeup today:

Judging by the venom in your emails this week, many are displeased by the thoughts of another weekend in the rain.
Let us vent....
sredfddscxx (fist on keyboard)
qopj kc vblkq (keyboard against monitor)
"&%$*!" (quote from Systems Guy)

Do people really email the weatherman to complain about the weather? Isn't that what people do when they wait in line at the Post Office? Who would take time to write a scathing email to the weather guy? Then again, who would take the time to write posts declaring platonic love to the weather guy?
But, what compelled me to post (other than an excuse to gaze on the visage of my beloved) is this very funny bit:
But wait! It's not ALL wet. There are dry times: Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon.
Doesn't fit in the plan? Then email Todd.

Ha! Todd Gross sucks. I think I would take the time to hate mail him.

Dear Todd Gross,
Please dye your hair a color found in nature. You're fooling no one.
PS. Give Pete a big bear hug for me.

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