Friday, April 21, 2006

Open Letter to Mitt Romney

(Found this on Universal Hub.)


I am tired. It's Friday, I have to get up early tomorrow to buy Kelly Clarkson tickets. I can't get a good head of rage going about the expansion of abstinence-"also" sex-ed you're pushing because I am tired of yelling at you on a bimonthly basis for some stupid shit you've done. But Mindy Fried states my concerns eloquently:

''A Woman's Concern uses an abstinence-only until marriage sex ed curriculum," said Mindy Fried, whose daughter is a Boston Latin freshman. ''They're driven by a right-wing, Christian agenda, which to me is problematic. They talk about condom use being ineffective, so the curriculum is really misguiding kids. Most parents of course want their teenagers to delay sexual experiences, but that's not a reality. We need a curriculum that's broader than abstinence-only."

I shall put it less eloquently. Go fuck yourself. Seriously. All the way to Washington D.C. You're a chauvinistic, rights-squashing asshole. The bottom of the barrel yuppie dregs. As Pink says in her new song (a scathing indictment of the Bush administration, but applicable here) "What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?"

You don't have a daughter. That explains it.



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